
Today Year 1 continued to explore primary and secondary colours by completing an experiment using simple equipment such as food colouring and pipettes. We created our own colour circle using the primary colours food colouring and kitchen roll which absorbed the food colouring and mixed together to make the secondary colours.

Learning Mission!

This week in Learning Mission Year 1 have been exploring the question: How are we connected? We have been learning about how people communicate around the world and also how people with disabilities communicate so we decided to learn some sign language. We learnt how to spelt our names, say ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ and the days of the week.

Save Our Planet Posters!

Year 1 have been learning about what we can do to help others around the world and we decided to create our own posters to put up around school informing everyone of the importance of recycling, reusing and reducing waste to help improve our world! We created our posters on a word document by copying and pasting inspirational photos, saving our work and printing it off.